Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cost 10.9 Million Pounds - London Largest LED Street Lights Deployment Project

London gets the Bratain largest LED street light deployment project to complete the 2016 target of 40 % energy savings. Transport For London (TFL) has announced that they will cooperate with London mayor's office, a LED street lights renovation project, including upgrading 35,000 street lights and installing a network adaptive control system to monitor and control the lights.

In addition , the Lincolnshire in the north-east of England also starting a street lights project , including 16,500 solid-state lighting (SSL) street lights.
LED street lights

London street lighting

TFL engineers are testing the level of LED street lights
TFL engineers are testing the level of LED street lights
London street lights project will support the London mayor Boris Johnson's specified target : 60% reduction by 2025 carbon emissions target, Johnson said : "Installing the modern street lights in our capital's main roads, will not only reduce carbon emissions and maximize savings capital investment, it will also give London a better and safer roads. " According to the Transport for London road Network (TLRN) shows that TFL has a total of 52,000 street lights , the plan is expected in over decades, the ultimate goal is to upgrade all the lights, but the first phase will focus on the 35,000 street lights, completed in 2016. This phase is expected to reduce carbon emissions from 9700 tonnes per year, and save £ 1.85 million - saving 40% fee. The initial phase of the £ 10.9 million cost will be recovered in a few years. 

In addition, there are two money savings, including maintenance cost reduced and the lighting control network established by TFL called Central Management System (CMS) will maximize energy savings and efficiency; CMS can set lights luminance level depending on the traffic and automatically detect the required maintenance. TFL said the CMS provided by Harvard engineering, is the largest ever single investment in the history of street lighting in London. The value of adaptive control has been demonstrated in other trials in the UK SSL, such as two years ago, the LED lighting installed in Thames Street tunnel by TFL.
LED lighting in Thames Street tunnel
LED lighting in Thames Street tunnel
Want to know something about LED lighting, please visit

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